By Shaun Rundle, CPOA Executive Director

Legislators feeling frustrated by their failed 2021 bills have reintroduced some of those measures. They join a wave of new introductions that seek to address many of the common crimes flooding California’s streets. While the Legislature is slowly starting to realize that they’re too late in combating issues like organized retail theft, they have also not even given bill hearings to measures that would address fentanyl overdoses. In other words, here we go again.

I was pleased to see that several 2-year bills from 2021 that were eligible for discussion in 2022 have been changed to no longer reflect their previous intent. These include SB 271 (Wiener-D) (sheriff eligibility)- now relates to jury information furnished to Franchise Tax Board.

Other 2021 bills are being taken up again in January, but sadly, the Legislature continues to vote down bills that would draw needed attention and action to fentanyl and controlled substances.

The below bills failed again this year:



Adversely, the Legislature passed out of the Health Committee, SB 57, which authorizes San Francisco, Los Angeles County and Oakland to operate overdose prevention sites for consumption of pre-obtained drugs.

New Bills

Thus far, there have not been any huge-impact pieces of legislation introduced the way we saw last year with SB 2 (decertification) or AB 89 (peace officer education requirements). Last day for bills to be introduced is February 18th, and bill hearings, particularly in Assembly and Senate Public Safety and Judiciary Committees, in March.

Finally getting their act together, legislators are introducing bills that could essentially be categorized as Prop 47 fixes:





These bills were just introduced in January, so will not be heard until late February or March.