President's Corner

Neil Cervenka
2024-2025 CPOA President
Chief of Police
Fort Bragg Police Department
Region VIII
Law enforcement is an increasingly difficult job. Needs of the community, legislative mandates, court decisions, and staffing needs have continued to burden this noble profession.
We are asked to do more with less on a continual basis. CPOA has been there for over a 100 years, providing training, leadership development, opportunity and legislative advocacy. More importantly, only CPOA serves all ranks of sworn AND professional staff. CPOA has been instrumental in my career, providing skills and networking critical in my role as a police chief. We are continuing to expand our training offerings to bring more to professional staff, who are often left behind. We all must be a team to provide the highest quality service to our communities.
As the President of CPOA, I encourage all law enforcement agencies to become a department member and take advantage of the benefits that come with it. I encourage all those working – in any capacity – for a law enforcement agency to become individual members if yours is not a department member.
Take part in all we have to offer. I am committed to all of you in CPOA to bring you the best training, advocacy and leadership development for the betterment of law enforcement and the betterment of California.