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Sacramento, California

June 29, 2020


CPOA Launches Association App Designed Pro Bono by Cordico

The California Peace Officers Association (CPOA) is proud to launch a new association app as a special benefit for CPOA members. Inside the new app, CPOA members can learn about the CPOA ADVANCE Conference, CPOA LEADS webinars, CPOA training events, and CPOA advocacy for law enforcement. The app also contains an officer wellness blog provided by Cordico, the leading provider of customized high-tech wellness apps for law enforcement nationwide.

“This app is distinctly different from our CordicoShield wellness apps,” said Dr. David Black, CEO and Founder of Cordico. “We are proud to partner with CPOA, we share a strong commitment to supporting law enforcement, and it’s an honor to provide CPOA a free association app.” Dr. Black began working with law enforcement in 2002 and serves on committees for the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the National Sheriff’s Association, and the National Police Foundation.

CordicoShield wellness apps include anonymous self-assessments, vetted therapist finders, peer support, chaplain support, and over 40 customized officer wellness toolkit modules covering alcohol abuse, anger management, compassion fatigue, depression, Dr. Kevin Gilmartin’s emotional survival for law enforcement, marriage guidance, physical fitness, psychological first aid, sleep optimization, suicide prevention, Yoga for First Responders, and many other topics. Additional features of CordicoShield Apps include CrisisAlert™ technology, AudioCast™ technology, and access to an ever-growing body of customized officer wellness tools. The CordicoShield apps have been featured in IACP Police Chief magazine, California Police Chief magazine, Comstock’s magazine, and amongst the recommended solutions for preventing suicide the PERF report entitled An Occupational Risk: What Every Police Agency Should Do To Prevent Suicide Among Its Officers.


About CPOA

The California Peace Officers’ Association was established in 1921 and is committed to developing progressive leadership for the California law enforcement community through organizational networking, professional development, technology advancement and public policy advocacy. CPOA has over 16,000 members of all ranks from municipal, county, state and federal law enforcement agencies from throughout the state of California.


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About Cordico

Cordico proudly serves hundreds of organizations and is the nationally recognized leader in officer wellness. CordicoShield apps provide 24/7/365 confidential support and places the most comprehensive and trusted wellness resources directly into the hands of law enforcement so that high-quality, customized wellness support is available on-demand at the push of a button.


Learn more at


CPOA Media contact:

Shaun Rundle

Phone: 916.263.0541


Cordico Media contact:

Kevin Dacy

Phone: 844-CORDICO (1-844-267-3426)