Who We Are

Who Can Become a CPOA Member?
Regular membership is open to sworn and professional public safety personnel from all ranks and agencies within California. CPOA offers both Individual and Agency memberships.
Part-time employees, volunteers and supporting businesses can also sign up for non-Regular (non-voting) membership and stil benefit from CPOA’s unique network and benefits!
What is CPOA?
Why should someone join CPOA?
CPOA develops your leadership skills through training, advocacy and opportunities to make meaningful connections within our 24,000+ member network. Your membership benefits will allow you access to:
- Discounts on hot topic trainings in your local region
- Guaranteed free seats for trainings as a CPOA Department Member
- Legislative updates and bill analyses at your fingertips
- Access to discounted CPOA publications (i.e. Legislative Digest of New Laws, Pitchess Motion Manual, Skelly Manual, etc.)
- Email updates on new legal issues and monthly case summaries of new legal rulings
- Earn legal guidance and protection through FOP’s Legal Defense Plan (LDP)
- The opportunity to build your resume by serving on one of CPOA’s committees or regional boards
How many members do we have?
As of 2024, CPOA has more than 23,000 members, from Department Memberships and Individual members.
Who can be a CPOA member?
Regular embership is open to sworn and professional public safety personnel from all ranks and agencies within California.
There are also membership categories for volunteers and businesses who support law enforcement agencies in California.
How is CPOA structured?
Does CPOA have committees?
CPOA has Board Development, Events, Law & Legislation, Membership and Training committees. The criteria for committee participation is active CPOA membership.
Training & Events
What types of training does CPOA offer?
Who can attend CPOA trainings?
What are CPOA’s “Signature Events”?
CPOA has put a hold on our COPSWEST Expo for the foreseeable future while we reevaluate opportunities to best engage our entire Statewide membership while being mindful of staffing struggles that agencies are feeling across their departments