Who We Are

A professional organization since 1921, CPOA is an association dedicated to the leadership development of California’s law enforcement personnel. CPOA serves more than 24,000 members in that effort by providing the most relevant and in-demand training as well as giving you a voice in legislative advocacy. 
Four police officers standing outside smiling at the camera.

Who Can Become a CPOA Member?

Regular membership is open to sworn and professional public safety personnel from all ranks and agencies within California. CPOA offers both Individual and Agency memberships.

Part-time employees, volunteers and supporting businesses can also sign up for non-Regular (non-voting) membership and stil benefit from CPOA’s unique network and benefits!

CPOA 101


What is CPOA?
A non-union professional organization since 1921, CPOA is a 501(c)(6) association dedicated to the leadership development of California’s law enforcement personnel.

CPOA develops your leadership skills through training, advocacy and opportunities to make meaningful connections within our 24,000+ member network. Your membership benefits will allow you access to: 

As of 2024, CPOA has more than 23,000 members, from Department Memberships and Individual members.

Regular embership is open to sworn and professional public safety personnel from all ranks and agencies within California.

There are also membership categories for volunteers and businesses who support law enforcement agencies in California. 

Our membership is comprised of 12 geographic Regions, with each Region having its own board of volunteer members who drive CPOA activity at the local level.

CPOA has Board Development, Events, Law & Legislation, Membership and Training committees. The criteria for committee participation is active CPOA membership.

Training & Events

What types of training does CPOA offer?
CPOA averages about 30-40 trainings per year on both POST-certified and non-certified courses on a range of topics from Public Records Act (PRA) to Internal Affairs (IA), Legislative updates, Use of Force liability, and more.
Both members and non-members can attend, but not the public.


CPOA has put a hold on our COPSWEST Expo for the foreseeable future while we reevaluate opportunities to best engage our entire Statewide membership while being mindful of staffing struggles that agencies are feeling across their departments 


Advocacy & Legal

On what issues does CPOA lobby?
Any legislative or policy proposal impacting day-to-day policing across California’s law enforcement profession.
No, but we do provide candidate or ballot measure endorsements if candidates complete our questionnaire. We don’t give money to candidates but have in the past made donations to ballot measure campaigns.
Yes, supervisory and management personnel are provided the opportunity to enroll in Legal Defense Plan (LDP) coverage through membership in CPOA’s FOP Lodge 100.